Our maniac turns the situation in her favor, but if you can't win in a fair game, a katana in the back or an accident in a drama circle can always help urgently. But not everything is so gloomy: there’s help from info-chan and all kinds of clubs.
Therefore, our poor Yandere girl continually has to play in a different field. And not only are they beautiful, besides that each also has their own set of qualities that can potentially tip the scales in their favor. They are continually trying to take away the chosen one of our characters. Yandere-chan Ayano Aisha is crazy about her senpai, which can be of any gender, but insidious rivals are not asleep.
In the Yandere Simulator online game, we have a classic scheme. You can download Yandere Simulator and play it on the Windows platform. At the same time, she retains the image of an innocent schoolgirl. Yandere Simulator game is a stealth action video game about a girl who is obsessed with a guy and secretly eliminates everyone who falls in love with him.